Monday, September 29, 2014

History of BCWC Page 3


Our Club has faithfully contributed a small but on inconsequential sum annually toward the purchase of new books and part-time librarian.  Today , we have of 2,000 volumes on our shelves and can accept no more books for the present, due to lack of space.
Had our group contributed nothing more than the Library to our town it would have more than justified its existence, for
            "When, some precious parchment you unroll, You have All Paradise in your own soul"
                 Faust, by Wagner
Our Club from the very beginning has been faced with lack of funds, and even today, we operate on a very small treasury.
But we were never deterred from responding generously ( all though not spectacularly) to the many varied demands made upon us, both locally and thru the Federation.
How did we accomplish this?  Through sheer hard work by putting on or sponsoring innumerable functions, such as:  Ice Cream Festivals, Strawberry Festivals, Chicken Suppers, Jitney Suppers, Food Sales, Teas, Serving Lunches at Sales, Minstrel Shows, Musicales, Plays,Stunts, Benefit Card parties, Selling of magazines, waste paper, Rummage Sales, Management of Department Stores for a day, with certain percentage on all sales obtained.  In this effort we also brought home a silver trophy.  Many free-will offerings, a few, out and out, door to door soliciting campaigns for exceptional projects.
All these activities not only provided a lot of fun, but together with our dollar a year dues, furnished us our only source of revenue.   From this revenue we have been able to meet the request of our very active Committees, and to lay aside each year a fairly substantial, the wholly inadequate sum toward a Building Fund, with which we hope to erect our own Club House very soon, and to house our Library within.
You may appreciate a brief insight into how our small revenue is spent.  Like all good housekeepers, we have a systematic, itemized annual Budget, fore our regular, necessary expense including such items as:   Annual Federation Dues. Annual Convention Expenses for President and Secretary, Regular Supplies for Officers and certain Committee activites, such as -Librarian salary, fuel, purchase of new books, Subscriptions to Club Magazine and Book Lovers Club: preparation of Year Books and Programs, Press notices, Annual Clean-up Days, Regular Charitable Donations,to Poor Farm, Veteran Hospital etc.
Besides our regular expense, we have donated to so many worthy miscellaneous affairs. that it would be impossible to name them all.  However, I have listed at random, a few of the items, just to give you an inkling of how diversified are our philanthropic endeavors.  and here I would like to again stress the fact, that although our contributions could not obviously be spectacularly magnanimous, they have been given with wholehearted, enthusiastic, sympathetic understanding of the beneficiaries' needs.
Here are a few of our miscellaneous donations: Student Loan Fund (GFWC), International Scholarship Fund , Penny Art Fund, Provided a Rest Room at the old County Fair, for Public, Essential Sanitary Equipment to Poor Farm and Jail; furnished Lunches at School Clinics, (Trachoma), Donation to Shepherdsville School Rallies, May Day Festival for Blue-Ribbon Children, Trophy for Basket Ball Tournament, See-saws for colored Playground, Soft Ball Field, Community Recreation Program; Community Christmas Tree Baskets and Decorations, Prizes for Outdoor Christmas decorations, Hazelwood TB Sanatorium (Jefferson Co), Clothing and money to Bullitt Co T B patients, Bed,pillows and chair to TB Hut, School Dental Clinic, Crippled Children's Hospital Drive, Cancer Drive, Infantile Paralysis Drive, Morehead Flood Suffers, Redecoration of Library, Sending of flowers to Sick and the Dead, School Supplies to children of Europe, Yard goods to Greek Children, Speakers and Films for Special Educational Programs.
All though we are not exactly proud of the amounts of our monetary contributions- we certainly owe no apologies for them, since we give practically all that we have as fast as we make it. We only wish we had more to bestow on the many worthy projects we are called upon to support.
However, we are rightfully proud of other contributions we have made to our local Community, State and Nation.  Contributions of such value that no monetary considerations can be placed upon the, Contributions that were coined from on the best characteristics of our Club's fine womanhood combining their keen intellects, their political acumen, their ready tongues, sharp wit, gentle
hearts, but above all, their quiet but steel like determination.
these outstanding contributions have been made mainly thru the work of well-organized, very active, capable committees,and their gifted leaders.

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