Wednesday, October 22, 2014


What a wonderful turnout for our Talent Auction this year!

I chose to prepare some special auction cards in the shape of a key for this year's Talent Auction, in honor of the theme symbol chosen by GFWC/ Kentucky Federation President, Susan Alexander.

Those keys floated up and down all evening and I had to smile as some were turned in early to avoid the temptation of raising them again after some pretty exuberant bidding.

We had such an awesome display of talent up for auction that it even impressed our Auctioneer, Bryan Gifford, who kindly stepped in at the last minute to provide his services, free of charge.

Speaking of Bryan, he did an absolutely amazing job of drawing each of us in to bid top dollar.  His efforts and the fruits of our labor brought in a whopping $1522, over double what has been raised for several years past.

The proceeds of this fundraiser contributed to our general fund in order to provide monies needed for various Bullitt County Woman's Club events throughout the year.

A big thanks to Pat Kelly and new member Icy Parker, for playing our Vannas at this year's event and thanks also to Barbara Crume who organized getting the auction items beautifully displayed as they arrived, while I was tied up in the Executive Committee Meeting. One last huge thank you to Denise Lafferty, our event hostess, and her crew, who served up some good eats for everyone to enjoy throughout the evening. 

To everyone who participated in this year's event should collectively pat ourselves on the back for making this year's Talent Auction a fantastically successful event.

Donna Burke, Chair
BCWC Talent Auction

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