Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Year in Review...Part One

This past year has been a busy fun filled year. We as a club have accomplished a lot together.
During our January meeting we had the Superintendent Bullitt County Schools speak and he shared with us a few of the milestones that our Bullitt County School system has reached.

In February we held a Shop and Share at the Shepherdsville Kroger and had a wonderful turnout. We were able to raise over $2,300  to help support the local Domestic Violence Center, The Center For Women and Families.

We even had a few awards given to some of our members. In February Lori Puchino received State Runner up for Small Farmers Market. Through the Kentucky Department of Ag/State Farmers Market Program. Way to go Lori.

During the March meeting Lauren Smith introduced us to the Pick Elephant Organization. There goal is to connect students in places of need with mentors around the world that can be a support and positive figure for the students. Our own Lauren Smith is one of the founders of this organization, thank you for all your work you are doing around the world Lauren.

Lauren's first partner site is Nakuru Kenya. We as a club gave money to help fund the education of a student in Kenya through her Pink Elephant organization.

In April we held our annual Irene Carroll Style Show at the Paroquet Springs Conference Center. It was a wonderful time of fashion and fun. We sold over 200 shares and we made over $500 on our silent auction and had over $1700 in donations. The high light of the Style Show was that we were able to give three scholarships to three Bullitt County seniors.

Our President Gaye Gardner, Our 1st Vice President Pam Harville and our Parliamentarian Donna Burke attended the GFWC Kentucky State Convention in Lexington, Kentucky. Our club received several awards at the convention this year. We received 1 st place for our Press Book Category 1. We received 2nd Place for our  Community Improvement Project.

Our GFWC Signature Project: Domestic Violence Awareness Received International Outstanding Achievement Award. Carol McLaughlin received 2nd place for her basket.

There are many more things each one of us have been a part of these are only a few of the things we have accomplished over the first part of 2014.

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